Millions of people in the world have great ideas for a new business, but funding the business often proves to be a problem. If you have an idea that you are convinced will work but don’t have enough money to launch the enterprise, here are 5 sites and apps where you can get ordinary people and even billionaires to fund your business.
1. Kickstarter
Kickstarter is probably the first crowdfunding site that jumps to mind whenever you think about them. Since its 2009 launch, Kickstarter has helped over 150,000 aspiring businessmen. Kickstarter gave a start to physical products, apps and software, and other types of businesses. To attract more supporters on Kickstarter, you will need to offer some incentives based on how much money each backer pledges, from simple thank-you mentions to the prototypes of the products. The possible downside of Kickstarter is that you can only access the money if you met your initial goal; if not, the money is given back to the backers.
2. GoFundMe
GoFundMe is not your typical crowdfunding site and it’s best suitable for personal causes, not the launch of new businesses. However, if you are already a businessman whose business has suffered due to the pandemic or some other factors, you can try GoFundMe as a way to collect the money you need to help you stay afloat. It’s worth mentioning that GoFundMe works best for people with a big social circle, since they and the people they know will be the main backers of your campaign.
3. Indiegogo
In many ways, Indiegogo resembles Kickstarter and other crowdfunding services. You get to post a crowdfunding project that can be a new business or a personal goal, and people will back your project if they want to help you. However, there is a major difference between Kickstarter and Indiegogo: unlike Kickstarter, Indiegogo allows you to set a flexible funding goal and receive the money collected from the backers even if you failed to meet your initial goal. US startups can also get funding from investors in return for a stake in the business.
4. Crowdfunder
Crowdfunder is a service that allows you to get funding for your business, but not from regular individuals like yourself – on Crowdfunder, you get a chance to get your business backed by investors. There are over 12,000 investors and venture capitalists looking for projects to back on Crowdfunder, so you always have a chance to convince at least some of them to support your business. However, this service is best suited for busines who have already achieved some success but need additional funding in order to grow.
5. BeggingMoney
Originally, BeggingMoney was launched as a service for people going through financial hardships to get support from strangers who want to help. However, soon BeggingMoney also became a popular destination among struggling businessmen to get a boost for their startup. There are no strict requirements about the size and type of business that can get support on BeggingMoney, but existing businesses where the owner has fallen on hard times proved to attract the most attention from the backers.